You may not know the surprising tomato benefits on skin. After finding the hidden benefits you may stop using the cosmetics chemicals and replace those with natural tomatoes.
Who does not know about the red, round-shaped, and a bit tangy fruit! Yes, the tomato. It’s a common and low price fruit vegetable with high & effective benefits for the skin.
You have used it in your curry, to make the sauce, or in your salad. But this article is not about ways of eating tomatoes, this is about using tomatoes for your skin benefits. You May like our recent publication on the 12 benefits of Toner on the skin.
The 20 Benefits of Tomato on Skin
The benefits of tomatoes for skin are something that you can never deny. There are different ways of using tomatoes on your skin along with their benefits.
1. Protect against skin cancer
It is one of the most important tomato benefits on skin. When you eat tomatoes, you get less sunburn. Due to the pigmenting compounds in tomatoes, you get less burn while staying under the sun comparatively. This fruit’s paste intake causes more pigmentation and saves you from the effects of UV rays.
According to Cooperstone, tomatoes contain lycopene, a primary carotenoid, which is found to be the most effective antioxidant for pigmentation. Consuming tomatoes leaves these antioxidants in the human body and enriches the skin.
Reachers also found that eating a tomato in its whole food form provides more lycopene than any other form of synthesized supplement. This means not only lycopene, other components of tomatoes may also have an impact on overall skincare properties.
2. Clarifying
The second tomato benefit on skin is clarifying the skin. If you are bored with your daily cleanser and looking for something more natural and safe, then this red round fruit can be a very nice option for you. There are different ways of using tomatoes to clarify your skin while applying directly to your skin or eating.
As it is full of antioxidants, it works on your skin healthily. If you apply just tomato pulp on your face and give a gentle wash after a few minutes, you will witness the magic touch. It also works on scars and spots and gives you more clear skin. Let’s see 12 benefits of the moisturizer on the skin.
Slice a tomato and sprinkle some sugar on it. Then rub your face with the slice. This type of scrub cleans the pores and keeps your skin fit. In short, going to your stomach or being applied on your face, tomato will help you to clean your skin every time.
3. Evening skin tone
Who can care for the skin without a toner right? Any of you can never deny the importance of toner in your daily skincare routine. But if the toner is in your kitchen and you do not have to bother, what makes it? Yes, tomato is a very handy skin toner that you can grab any time from your pantry.
If you are looking for a highly beneficial toner, then mix some cucumber juice and some tomato juice together. Spray this mixture on your face and clean it with a cotton pad. This mixture will make your skin not only lenient but also baby soft.
You can store this mixture in a bottle and keep it in the refrigerator for up to four days. So, evening one’s skin tone is one of the vital tomato benefits on the skin.
4. Rejuvenating
Not only you but everyone in this world longs for younger-looking skin. This desire sometimes can cause you a big budget. You need to remember that money cannot buy everything but nature can provide. Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, one kind of antioxidant.
This antioxidant is the key to skin’s youthfulness. Lycopene works on damaged skin directly and repairs it. Tomatoes reduce skin pores and keep the skin hydrated which helps to lock moisture and ward off the aging signs. This fruit works as a natural bleach and lessens skin spots.
Antioxidants in tomatoes give your skin a fresh look. What else do you need for rejuvenation!
5. Reducing oil
Tomatoes can benefit your skin in many different ways and controlling oiliness is one of them.
If you have oily skin then too much oil production leading to acne is the greatest concern. In this situation, you can use raw tomatoes. Just rub it on your skin and let it settle for 5 to 10 minutes.
After that wash off with normal water and gentle massage. This type of simple treatment will help you to control oil production, greasiness and lessen acne. As a plus point, controlled oil production of the face helps you to keep the makeup in place for a longer period of time.
6. Reduce risk of sunburns
Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants along with vitamin A and vitamin C. These contents help a lot to treat and save your skin from sunburn and get a fresher looking skin as well. Tomato for skin works like a magic wand if you are exposed to the sunlight.
Vitamin C helps to reduce the sunburn color and vitamin A works from inside to make your skin look better. You can mix some tomato juice with buttermilk and apply the mixture to the sunburned area. Let your skin soak the mixture. This remedy will reduce the heat of your skin surface, soothe it, and even out the redness.
7. Promote wound healing
It is scientifically proven that tomatoes contain vitamin C on a high scale. Various skincare products, especially aiming for healing and scar erasing, include vitamin C as an important ingredient.
Vitamin C has the ability to promote connective tissues, which can help to repair wounds and speed up the healing procedure. Tomatoes also have antioxidants which are good for building a strong immune system and protecting your body from the oxidants that can cause cell damage. You may check Coconut Oil Benefits on Skin.
In short, the benefits of tomato for skin care is not limited to the outside of your skin; it also provides a lot of facilities from the inside.
8. Soothe skin inflammation
Tomatoes have anti-inflammatory vitamins such as vitamin C and E. Lycopene and beta carotene are also unavoidable elements of tomato that help to fight against skin inflammation. Antioxidants in tomatoes work on bacteria causing skin irritation and inflammation.
Vitamin C and E help to soothe the skin as well as give you a pleasant feeling. For the best and fastest result, you can mix the juice of a tomato and cucumber then apply it to your skin. This will help to fight against inflammation which is one of the notable tomato benefits on the skin.
9. Stimulate collagen production
You may not know the power of a tomato. But this fruit can do more miracles single-handedly when it comes to taking care of skin and keeping the skin healthy. If you believe in collagen to keep your skin healthy, then tomatoes can be the most dependable ones.
It is found that a medium-sized tomato is able to provide around 30 percent of vitamin C which is needed for collagen. Other than this, lycopene in tomatoes is a powerful element for the betterment of your skin. This antioxidant along with vitamin C works on boosting your immunity system as well as collagen production.
10. Remove dead skin cells
Our skin can easily seize oil, dirt, and pollution and if you are blessed with oily skin then there is nothing to say anymore. Tomato scrub is a way of getting rid of all of this pollution and dirt. These scrubs can include sugar, cucumber juice, or honey.
When you are using tomato scrubs, your skin pores will be cleansed and can also become smaller. These scrubs help to wipe out the dead skin as well. This way your face will be free from uneven skin tone and will look more fresh and healthy. And you know, healthy-looking skin always gives a vibe of young age.
11. Anti-aging properties
In your daily life activities, you must face different pollution which can cause you to have lifeless skin, dullness, and early-aging signs. If you want to solve this problem on a small budget, then tomatoes can save you a lot of your money.
Tomato scrubs are well known for their skin pore shrinking ability. This helps to keep skin dirt-free and lock the hydration to make your skin moisturized. Vitamin B complex has an important impact on controlling the pores too.
Antioxidants in tomatoes keep the acne away. This fruit also has vitamin C and E which work on scars and spots to reduce them. This process can give you younger-looking skin. A grand pack of vitamins and antioxidants, tomato works best for skin rejuvenation.
12. Fight cellular damage
Tomato contains a very good amount of lycopene which is an important component for skin rejuvenation. Lycopene gives the tomatoes a beautiful red color and the same thing it does for your skin. This substance can give your skin a very nice color and cause pigmentation.
Proper pigmented skin is the type of skin that faces less skin damage due to sun exposure and UV rays. Potassium and different types of vitamins are also components of tomatoes. These things work on skin scars. The antioxidants work from inside to repair the skin damage and give you a revived one.
13. Skin tightening
If you apply tomato pulp on your skin you are getting one step ahead of other people. Tomatoes have some properties that can clean your skin pores from pollution and dirt. These properties also help to shrink the pores. Small pores are able to keep your skin hydrated.
A well-hydrated skin is properly moisturized skin. If your skin is moisturized in exact amounts then you will get a younger-looking skin. Vitamins in tomatoes such as vitamin C, vitamin E work to reduce wrinkles around the eyes and keep skin tight.
Tomato pulp or face packs can help you to tighten your skin and give you a younger look.
14. Prevents Acne
Preventing Acne is another one Tomato benefits on skin. You can face acne if you have bigger pores in your skin. Due to pollution, pores of your skin tend to collect dirt and cause blackheads leading to acne. Direct application of tomato on skin helps to shrink the skin pores leading to less dirt collection, less oil production, and fewer blackheads comparatively.
When you can ensure clean skin, you are cutting the chance of acne attack. Tomato also contains agents that can balance the pH levels of the skin. A pH-balanced skin has a chance of getting acne. So, when a single, simple fruit can provide you with these benefits, would you not apply it? Let’s see the Final List of Makeup Products for Beginners.
15. Acts as a natural sun protectant
Tomatoes are able to help you in two ways to protect your skin from sunburn. First of all, the lycopene in tomatoes is the reason behind skin pigmentation. A pigmented skin has the least chance of getting sunburn due to exposure.
Secondly, it has vitamin C and vitamin E that work on skin irritants and inflammation. If you get any burn, just apply tomato paste to the area. This system will reduce irritation and also get the skin back into its own color.
16. Moisturize skin
A moisturized skin is counted as the best skin because it has less chance of aging or acne attack.
Tomato consumption can provide you with antioxidants that generally help to keep the skin from inside. This is the best way of keeping skin hydrated.
When you apply tomato on your skin, it makes the skin pores smaller day by day. A less open skin pore means more hydration and required moisture. A simple fruit with a great benefit, isn’t it?
17. Reduce blackheads
Blackheads are a very common problem if you live in a city or go outside every day. This problem can also be the reason behind shame while sitting near to other people. Tomatoes have components that can provide a lot of benefits to your skin.
Different tomato scrubs and face packs work as very good cleansers for your skin. Acidic factors in tomatoes help to clean the pores of dirt and pollution. This fruit also helps to shrink the skin pores and stores less oil. Thus, you can get rid of blackheads due to the use of this simple fruit. So, last but not the least, reducing blackheads is one of the significant tomato benefits on skin.
18. Skin brightening
Skin brightening is another important benefit of many benefits of tomatoes. As we know tomatoes consist of brightening properties including vitamin C. It works on skin brightening very quickly. If one uses tomato daily on her face, it helps to change their dark complexion to a fair one. Many women in their beauty blogging have claimed that too.
19. Removing Pigmentation
Collagen, Vitamin C, and many other skin rejuvenating ingredients help to remove the pigmentation from the skin. One can make the paste of the 2/3 slices of tomato and mix it with honey (if you are not allergenic to honey) for making the mask. This paste works best for removing pigmentation.
20. Best for the scalp
The skin of the scalp is quite sensitive and almost all of us suffered from dandruff. Here Tomato works like magic! Tomato has antifungal properties that aid to control the itching in the scalp. Even it is helpful for blood circulation.
Are Tomatoes Good for Your Skin?
Tomato is very popular for its skincare properties. Vitamin C, A, and E are commonly used in skincare products which are the components of tomato. The normal use of tomatoes has a vast impact on the skin. Let’s see the reason why your foundation looks patchy and Dry?
- The potassium and vitamin C in tomatoes do a lot to the skin. These ward off the dullness and give your skin a natural glow.
- Tomato and cucumber juice can keep your skin heat balanced and ease the sunburn. Lycopene in tomatoes gives you pigmentation and demotes the chances of damage due to ultraviolet ray exposure.
- The astringent properties of tomatoes will help your skin pores to be smaller. This makes the skin store less pollution. As a result, your skin can breathe more and has less acne.
- Tomatoes help to keep the skin hydrated and lock skin moisture. Eventually, you get a tighter skin.
- Vitamin C, E and A in tomatoes lessen skin spots and give you a fresher look.
- Not only application, but tomatoes also have a vast part in wound healing when you consume it, especially raw.
Eating Tomatoes for Skin
Eating tomatoes, raw or cooked, can bring a tremendous change in your life and health. Different components of this round ball have different types of impacts on human health discussed below.
- Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants as well as vitamin A, E and C. These elements help in wound healing besides reducing cell damage. As a result, you can get a finines and wrinkle free skin by intaking this fruit.
- Tomato consumption can provide anti-inflammatory properties to keep your heart and brain in good condition. Potassium in tomatoes is also beneficial for controlling blood pressure resulting in a healthy cardiovascular system.
- Consumption of tomatoes reduces the risk of having tumors in the prostate. Synergy in tomatoes mainly fights against prostate cancer. Tomatoes are also found to be proactive in protecting you from pancreatic cancer.
- If you are breastfeeding then eat cooked tomatoes. This intake habit will enhance the concentration of lycopene in breast milk.
In short, tomatoes can help you in many ways other than only taking care of your skin.
Health Benefits of Tomatoes for Men
Do you know that tomatoes can help to save your life and your man’s? Tomatoes have antioxidant properties that have a significant effect on man’s blood and control it. It lessens the risk of stroke, keeps the heart and brain health. Mainly, the anti-inflammatory factors of tomatoes work to control heart-related issues.
Synergy in tomatoes works on a man’s prostate cancer. Usually, the consumption of raw tomatoes works best in this sector. Potassium in tomatoes is popular for saving men from pancreatic cancer. According to a study of Harvard University, men who have at least 10 tomato items in their weekly diet have less chance of prostate cancer, reduced by up to 34%.
Lycopene, the most powerful antioxidant in tomatoes, gives a man the pigmented color of skin. This skin can help men to be more vulnerable to skin cancer. Generally, raw tomato consumption is more beneficial for men.
Tomato for Skin Whitening
Tomatoes have a great benefit on skin. Whether you eat or use it on your skin, will advantage you in various ways.
- Vitamin C is commonly used in beauty products which is also found in tomatoes. This vitamin has a magical effect on spots and scars. It reduces the sign easily.
- For skin whitening, vitamins in tomatoes E and C work a lot. These vitamins even skin tone, deducts spots and make your skin bright.
- Tomato has vitamin C which works as natural bleach. If you use a face pack of this fruit, thin hair on your face will fade eventually.
- Lycopene and anti-inflammatory properties of tomatoes reduce dark spots and work against sunburn. These impacts can give you a fresh looking bright skin.
So, if you are working on getting brighter skin, look into your pantry first.
The 4 Side Effects of Tomato on Face
The blessing of tomatoes can become a curse if not used or consumed properly. Large amounts of tomato leaves or green tomato consumption can cause poisoning. Mouth and throat irritation, dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, and headache are the basic signs of tomato poisoning.
1. Allergies, rash
If you are allergic to tomatoes or their plants, you will find a rash on your skin. This type of rash appears shortly after touching or eating this fruit. Tomato plant rash can be mild to extreme depending on your blood condition. Generally, it starts with skin redness to extreme itching. Let’s see the Top 10 Cosmetics Brands in the World.
2. Itching
If you are a patient of type 1 allergies, then you might get an allergy attack if you come in contact with tomato plants. When the allergic situation is active due to tomato plants, you may face itching as a primary symptom. So, be careful and check the amount of green tomato you are consuming and avoid tomato plants.
3. Redness
One of the common symptoms of allergy is redness. If you have a tomato allergy, then intake of tomatoes or a touch of tomato plants can cause itching leading to redness.
4. Other irritation
Tomato allergy will start to appear when you consume allergen. Normally skin rash, eczema, vomiting, abdominal pain, or diarrhea are seen in allergic patients.
Rubbing Tomato on Face Everyday
If you rub tomatoes every day then there is a high chance of having a magical change in your life. The benefits of rubbing tomato on your face are undeniable.
- Rubbing a tomato on your face will shrink the pores and lock the moisture in your skin.
- Tomato juice or paste application on your face helps to clean your skin of dirt and controls blackheads.
- If you apply tomato on your face then you can have a sunburn free skin. Furthermore, it lessens the chance of getting sunburn.
- The wonderful antioxidants and vitamins in tomatoes reduce spots, scars along with fine lines and wrinkles. This will hinder the signs of aging and brighten up your face.
Applying Tomato on Face Overnight
You can use tomato paste or pulp directly on your face and keep it overnight. This application will help you to get a brighter skin. Tomato on the face overnight helps to brighten the skin effectively. Besides brightening your face, tomatoes have the ability to nourish and tone your skin.
Vitamin C, E and different types of antioxidants in tomatoes have nourishing power that can give you a perfect skin. If you are seeking affordable face masks, mix various natural ingredients with tomato paste such as milk, lemon, honey, or aloe vera, one at a time.
These packs will surely give you far better results than any other chemical or online product.
Benefits of Tomato for Skin Complexion
Beauty experts and beauticians believe that tomatoes are a whole pack of skincare elements. Moreover, taking care of your skin, it can keep you healthy from the inside.
This magical ball has different antioxidants and vitamin C which can avail you in many ways in skin complexion.
However, vitamin C is not the only mentionable one. This fruit also has potassium, vitamin A, B, E, and magnesium. All of these elements make tomatoes able to help you in lots of ways-
- May reduce the risk of sunburn
- It can soothe skin inflammation
- Can protect from skin cancer
- Helps to remove dead skin cells and repair skin
- Reduces the signs of aging
Besides, this fruit can stimulate collagen production and promote wound healing.
The 9 Tomato face Mask Benefits
For skin’s improvement tomato masks are too beneficial. Here are some lists of tomato masks along with their making process.
1. Tomato paste for skin
Tomato paste is highly effective for lifeless skin. You can blend tomatoes and mix some honey. Apply this mask and wait for around 15 minutes before wiping with a wet towel. This tomato mask not only gives you a fresher look but also can make your dull skin youthful.
2. Tomato and sugar for face benefits
If you are a DIY lover and want to take care of your skin as naturally as possible then this section is the right one for you. Slice tomatoes and sprinkle some sugar on each piece. Use it as a scrubber for your face. Make sure you are using it gently. When you wash your face, you will be surprised by the softness of your own face.
3. Tomato and lemon for face benefits
Tomatoes are very good for skin brightening and reducing spots. Eventually, it gives you an even tone of the skin. Make a puree of a ripe tomato and add two tablespoons of lemon juice. Keep this facemask on your face for 10 to 15 minutes and wash it off. For better results, use a moisturizer after cleansing.
4. Tomato and sugar scrub for oily skin
Oily skin is vulnerable to blackheads and whiteheads leading to acne. You may sometimes feel like all the dirt and pollution is embracing you leaving any other people. To control excess oil, you can mix tomato pulp and one tablespoon of sugar. Use this mixture as a scrub to clean the pores and keep your skin fresh.
5. Tomato and sugar for acne
You can use tomato and sugar mixture as face scrub. Tomato pulp and sugar mix is quite an effective exfoliator. Sugar in this face mask exfoliates the pores and ward off the dirt. The more clean pores you have, the less acne you get. But make sure that you are gently rubbing your cheeks, chin, forehead, and nose area.
6. Tomato and cucumber for acne scars
Cucumber is renowned for its soothing property. But, you can use tomato and cucumber together as a natural solution for glowing and radiant skin. Vitamin C and antioxidants in tomatoes work on shrinking skin pores, removing dirt, and stopping bacteria.
On the other side, cucumber juice brightens up your skin and gives it a glow. Together these two ingredients lessen acne and reduce spots. This combo pack is a wonderful pack for oily skin.
7. Tomato face mask for oily skin
Tomatoes have a magical effect on facial skin. When you have oily skin, tomatoes can help in a lot of ways. Among the various packs, the following packs are found most beneficial.
- Tomato pulp, tea tree oil and jojoba oil mix
- Tomato pulp, yogurt and oats mix and
- Tomato and cucumber juice mix
8. Tomato mask for skin whitening
It is said that tomatoes have the power to lighten up the dullest skin. If you want to obtain a lighter skin without any surgery or chemical use, then tomato and fuller’s earth pack can become the handiest one.
To make this mask, you need to pulp one tomato with 2 teaspoons of fuller’s earth and a teaspoon of mint paste. Make sure that you are applying this on clean skin and let it dry. You will witness the magic easily.
9. Tomato face mask for dry skin
As you know, olive oil has the properties to treat dry skin and problems that can be caused due to the skin type. Tomato juice and virgin olive oil mixture paste are a good pack for dry skin.
When you apply it and wait for 15 minutes, both of the ingredients work on shrinking the pores, locking the skin moisture, and softening it. This way, you get a soft and healthy skin even if you have a dry one by nature.
The 4 Ways on How to Make Tomato Juice for Skin
There are different ways of making tomato juice for different purposes.
1. Direct application
You can make tomato juice, mix it with cucumber juice and lock it in an air-tight bottle. For toning your skin, it can become very handy. You should not store this mixture for more than four days.
2. Spot treatment
For spot treatment, tomato juice is very famous. Vitamin C and E mainly work on lessening the spots. Make a juice of a tomato and mix it with a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. If you apply this mix one face regularly, your face spots will reduce with time. As a result, you will get a glowing skin.
3. Tomato mask
Generally, for making tomato masks you can use tomatoes in different ways. You can cut one into slices and use it for scrubbing. You can crush it with your hand and make a pulp of it. And, if you want to make juice, just use a blender to make juice of tomato then use it.
4. Other methods
To get smooth skin, there are many ways of using tomato masks. You can blend a half tomato and mix a tablespoon of honey. Apply this mask to your face and let it dry. Wash off the mask with a gentle massage and pat your skin with a dry towel. You will feel the smoothness from the first wash.
Q/A on Tomato Benefits on Skin
Tomato soap benefits
The natural acidic properties of tomatoes help to reduce blackheads as well as balance the skin tone. By cleansing your pores, shrinking them tomatoes can ensure your acne-free skin. Organic tomato juice in soaps can help to keep your skin tighter and brighter by removing aging signs. The tight pores are also less prone to acne.
The tomato soap treatment is a very good remedy for blemish skin. It helps to balance your pH level, locks the moisture, and treats rosacea. But mostly, you can use this soap as the easiest treatment for acne pore skin. Tomato soap benefits you from sunburn too. Its application can help you to remove the suntan as well.
Applying tomato on face is good or bad
When you apply tomato, tomato mask, or tomato soap, the result will depend on your skin. Usually, those who are allergic to tomatoes suffer from redness, itching, and uneasiness. But those who are not, they get a vast benefit from this fruit.
Tomatoes can reduce the sunburn and rescue you from skin irritation. It also works on aging signs and degrades them. The astringents in tomatoes have the ability to remove excess sebum on the skin’s surface that can produce oil.
As a result, your skin gets less oily and has less chance of getting blackheads or acne.
The vitamins and other acidic factors of tomato reduce spots from your skin, keep the hydration locked, reduce fine lines and wrinkles which ensure you have a younger-looking skin.
Does applying tomato on face cause pimples
Tomatoes shrink the skin pores and lock the moisture. During this process, some of the dirt may get locked and cause you acne. Obviously, tomatoes can cause acne breakout but you need to keep in mind that tomatoes are the only one reason behind your acne.
To find out the specific reason behind acne, you should look into your diet and food habits. Also, check the products you are using in your skincare routine.
How to use tomatoes to cure pimples
Are you searching for a solution for the acne problem? Then tomatoes from your pantry can be the all-in-one solution. This round fruit has vitamin A, C, and K as well as some acidic properties that can clean your skin. When you apply tomato on your face, it shrinks your skin pores.
Tomato scrubs also work as a cleanser, removing dirt from the pores. This way tomatoes reduce the chance of blackheads as well as acne. Various tomato paste mixes such as tomato and cucumber, lemon or honey, work on reducing the acne scars and dark spots. In short, tomato is an overall pack for acne-prone skin.
Tomato for dry skin
Have you been using variants of products to rejuvenate your dry skin? Have you used tomatoes yet? Like other dry skin care popular products, tomatoes have the ability to help your dry skin. Tomato juice is an excellent source of potassium.
Potassium has a positive impact on dry skin to help it from different types of dry skin disorders. Tomatoes also have the ability to clean your skin pores and shrink them. As a result, your skin will be able to save more water and be hydrated. It will give your skin a glowing touch too.
How to use tomato on face for acne
Getting acne on your face? You should try to find the reason behind this. Meanwhile, mash a ripe tomato and apply the pulp on your face. Let it set on your skin. Rinse your face gently with lukewarm water after 30 minutes.
This pack will clean your skin pores, remove dead cells, deduct acne-causing bacteria and irritation.
Tomato packs will fight the acne. Furthermore, it will reduce any damages that have been caused due to acne and give you healthy skin.
Tomato beauty tips
For beauty care, tomatoes have undeniable benefits. Even your moms and grandmas have used this for skincare. If you do not have anything near for skin care, you can just cut a ripe tomato in half and rub it on your skin. Let your skin saturate the liquid for 15 minutes then wash it off. It will wake your skin up and give it a fresher look.